About Life Stories with Dr. Gloria Crosslin
Life Stories with Dr. Gloria Crosslin is a recognized nonprofit organization that is dedicated to storytelling and promoting diversity, inclusion, and access to jobs in the arts.
Civil Rights Title VII Champion
Dr. Gloria Crosslin has authored several biographies and children’s books, available on Amazon. “Crossing Over On the Shoulders of Giants” is about Dr. Crosslin's mother's Landmark Supreme Court Case against Employment Discrimination. It is because of her mother’s civil rights case that the EEOC caption appears on employment applications and in the workplace where it states: We are an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, or national origin.
Dr. Crosslin's book can be accompanied by a separate book that you may purchase titled, “Crosslin (Erlene) V. Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. U.S. Supreme Court Transcript of Record with Supporting Pleadings.” This book is studied in law schools and written by Sheldon Mitchell, Calvin H Udall, and Additional Contributors.
United States Television Series
Life Stories with Dr. Gloria Crosslin is broadcasted in the United States capital on Fox 5 Plus, interviewing memorable guests and shedding light on diverse American stories.